Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO)

Sector:Health Care
Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:9
Ownership rank:29
% of all portfolios:0.279%
Hold Price * :$520.23
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q4  2024
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 16.38% 130,870 0.41
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 16.10% 5,700 0.03
Lindsell Train Buy 407,240 5.30
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Buy 350,000 2.48
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 1.50% 297 0.02
Polen Capital Management Reduce 12.31% 345,591 0.49
AKO Capital Reduce 25.90% 109,689 0.79
Q3  2024
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 20.41% 6,000 0.03
Torray Funds Buy 403 0.03
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 2.16% 436 0.03
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 2.90% 23,838 0.09
Polen Capital Management Reduce 9.52% 295,224 0.47
AKO Capital Reduce 19.22% 100,775 0.81
Q2  2024
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 19.03% 4,700 0.03
AKO Capital Add 13.92% 64,065 0.49
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 3.91% 822 0.05
Polen Capital Management Reduce 4.81% 156,917 0.22
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 4.84% 41,876 0.15
Chris Hohn - TCI Fund Management Sell 100.00% 1,517,639 2.22
Viking Global Investors Sell 100.00% 128,489 0.28
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 749 0.01
Q1  2024
AKO Capital Add 180.71% 296,246 2.44
Polen Capital Management Add 60.29% 1,225,807 1.64
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 26.02% 5,100 0.03
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 1.96% 17,303 0.06
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 4.35% 956 0.07
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 50.76% 772 0.01
Chris Hohn - TCI Fund Management Reduce 51.77% 1,628,743 2.38
Viking Global Investors Reduce 76.14% 409,996 0.89
Q4  2023
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 94.25% 738 0.01
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 44.12% 6,000 0.03
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 1.20% 267 0.02
Chris Hohn - TCI Fund Management Reduce 1.47% 46,800 0.07
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 2.41% 21,746 0.08
Polen Capital Management Reduce 5.48% 117,908 0.15
Viking Global Investors Reduce 40.15% 361,230 0.70
AKO Capital Reduce 51.56% 174,490 1.32
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust Sell 100.00% 5,675 0.01
Q3  2023
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 65.85% 5,400 0.03
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Add 15.38% 10,000 0.63
Viking Global Investors Add 7.98% 66,482 0.14
Chris Hohn - TCI Fund Management Add 0.63% 20,000 0.04
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Add 0.18% 39 0.00
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust Buy 5,675 0.01
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 783 0.01
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 0.38% 3,451 0.01
AKO Capital Reduce 2.07% 7,146 0.06
Polen Capital Management Reduce 3.91% 87,621 0.12
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Sell 100.00% 562,479 3.03
Q2  2023
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Add 426.91% 455,728 2.45
Chris Hohn - TCI Fund Management Add 280.41% 2,339,032 3.63
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 10.62% 87,092 0.32
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Add 8.33% 5,000 0.32
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Add 0.12% 27 0.00
Polen Capital Management Reduce 1.42% 32,287 0.04
Viking Global Investors Reduce 2.75% 23,603 0.05
AKO Capital Reduce 43.74% 268,711 2.12
Q1  2023
Chris Hohn - TCI Fund Management Add 1208.06% 770,380 1.52
Polen Capital Management Add 3.52% 77,225 0.12
Viking Global Investors Add 2.06% 17,310 0.05
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Buy 106,751 0.66
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 0.03% 6 0.00
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 1.78% 14,827 0.07
AKO Capital Reduce 5.11% 33,059 0.29
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Sell 100.00% 587,696 3.09
Q4  2022
Viking Global Investors Add 41.44% 245,989 0.68
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 5.13% 400 0.00
Polen Capital Management Buy 2,193,711 3.53
Chris Hohn - TCI Fund Management Buy 63,770 0.12
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 0.79% 176 0.01
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 1.94% 16,490 0.08
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Reduce 7.69% 5,000 0.38
AKO Capital Reduce 29.94% 276,688 2.46
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Reduce 33.62% 297,630 1.56
Q3  2022
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 20.00% 1,300 0.01
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 0.57% 129 0.01
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 0.79% 6,767 0.03
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Reduce 5.04% 46,966 0.22
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Reduce 7.14% 5,000 0.37
AKO Capital Reduce 23.79% 288,469 2.41
Viking Global Investors Reduce 31.19% 269,050 0.63
Q2  2022
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 233.33% 4,550 0.04
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Add 79.04% 411,583 2.11
Viking Global Investors Add 77.96% 377,891 0.94
AKO Capital Add 0.49% 5,962 0.05
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 0.08% 17 0.00
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 0.54% 4,695 0.02
Q1  2022
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 550.00% 1,650 0.01
Viking Global Investors Add 129.65% 273,638 0.65
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 2.94% 24,611 0.10
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Add 2.90% 634 0.05
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Buy 520,709 1.83
AKO Capital Reduce 1.90% 23,361 0.15
Q4  2021
Viking Global Investors Add 15.82% 28,821 0.06
AKO Capital Add 7.65% 87,438 0.57
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Buy 300 0.00
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 0.92% 202 0.02
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Reduce 6.67% 5,000 0.33
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 6.98% 62,921 0.28
Q3  2021
AKO Capital Add 16.05% 158,024 0.94

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.