Colgate-Palmolive (CL)

Sector:Consumer Staples
Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:5
Ownership rank:94
% of all portfolios:0.037%
Hold Price * :$103.81
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q1  2024
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 3,680 0.01
Q4  2023
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Buy 2,650 0.03
Q3  2023
Viking Global Investors Add 15.04% 186,312 0.05
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 10,449 0.02
Q2  2023
Viking Global Investors Add 87.46% 577,835 0.18
Lindsell Train Add 11.05% 2,000 0.00
Yacktman Asset Management Add 0.29% 3,800 0.00
First Eagle Investment Management Add 0.00% 418 0.00
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Buy 2,650 0.03
Q1  2023
Lindsell Train Add 7.10% 1,200 0.00
First Eagle Investment Management Add 0.56% 62,096 0.01
Viking Global Investors Buy 660,698 0.23
Q4  2022
First Eagle Investment Management Add 2.51% 269,814 0.06
Yacktman Asset Management Add 0.54% 7,000 0.01
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Buy 2,650 0.03
Q3  2022
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Add 481.86% 9,565,000 12.20
Yacktman Asset Management Add 0.27% 3,500 0.00
Q2  2022
Jensen Investment Management Add 0.20% 200 0.00
Yacktman Asset Management Add 0.12% 1,600 0.00
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Buy 1,985,000 3.77
Q4  2021
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Add 4.79% 5,890 0.00
Q3  2021
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Add 0.62% 759 0.00
Q2  2021
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Add 1.75% 2,102 0.00
Q1  2021
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Add 7.09% 7,950 0.00
Yacktman Asset Management Add 2.53% 32,800 0.03
Q4  2020
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Add 4.50% 4,828 0.00
Yacktman Asset Management Add 0.12% 1,571 0.00
Q3  2020
Yacktman Asset Management Add 4.67% 57,729 0.07
First Eagle Investment Management Add 1.01% 126,095 0.03
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Buy 2,650 0.04
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Buy 107,251 0.03
Q2  2020
Lindsell Train Buy 16,900 0.02
Q1  2020
Jensen Investment Management Add 2.52% 2,800 0.00
Q3  2019
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 16.56% 7,332 0.01
Q2  2019
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 44,270 0.05
Q1  2019
Yacktman Asset Management Add 0.88% 11,000 0.01
Q3  2018
Terry Smith - Fundsmith Add 41.12% 1,474,901 0.66
Q1  2018
Hillman Value Fund Buy 15,000 3.72
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 36,820 0.03
Q4  2017
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Buy 2,100 0.00
Q2  2016
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 45,170 0.04
Q1  2014
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Buy 8,900 0.01
Q2  2013
Hillman Value Fund Buy 12,000 2.17
Q1  2013
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 0.11% 4,030 0.01
Q1  2012
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 3.93% 146,540 0.35
Q4  2011
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 5.26% 186,200 0.45
Q3  2011
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 1.86% 64,498 0.18
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Buy 500 0.00
Q2  2011
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 47.22% 1,114,014 3.06
Q1  2011
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 21.27% 413,800 1.10
Q4  2010
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 15.30% 258,150 0.76
Q3  2010
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Buy 5,416,358 1.94
Q2  2010
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 21.01% 521,600 2.07
Q1  2010
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 247.50% 1,767,924 7.88

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.