Charles Schwab Corp. (SCHW)

Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:12
Ownership rank:17
% of all portfolios:0.314%
Hold Price * :$64.81
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q3  2024
Viking Global Investors Buy 2,339,956 0.55
Ruane Cunniff - Sequoia Fund Reduce 6.48% 193,380 0.35
Yacktman Asset Management Reduce 8.51% 502,361 0.33
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Add 15.44% 49,607 0.32
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 18.29% 150,000 0.17
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital Add 7.58% 65,959 0.16
Dodge & Cox Add 4.19% 2,424,800 0.14
Bill Nygren - Oakmark Select Fund Reduce 0.14% 7,060 0.01
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Reduce 1.17% 15,966 0.01
First Eagle Investment Management Add 0.07% 2,497 0.00
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 1.67% 5,084 0.00
Q2  2024
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 1,273,057 1.78
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Reduce 31.64% 148,724 1.15
Yacktman Asset Management Reduce 5.96% 374,352 0.26
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital Add 0.97% 8,382 0.03
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 0.96% 13,000 0.01
Bill Nygren - Oakmark Select Fund Add 0.00% 60 0.00
First Eagle Investment Management Reduce 0.38% 13,635 0.00
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 0.73% 2,240 0.00
Q1  2024
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Reduce 16.81% 95,002 0.65
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 31.21% 302,840 0.42
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital Add 3.30% 27,527 0.08
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 7.08% 62,500 0.08
Yacktman Asset Management Reduce 0.56% 35,367 0.02
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 1.42% 19,000 0.01
First Eagle Investment Management Add 0.16% 5,748 0.00
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 1.44% 4,494 0.00
Q4  2023
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 48.87% 318,511 0.45
Dodge & Cox Add 9.45% 4,999,135 0.35
Bill Nygren - Oakmark Select Fund Add 5.38% 257,940 0.31
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Reduce 2.88% 16,725 0.11
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital Add 3.65% 29,343 0.10
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 4.54% 58,000 0.04
Yacktman Asset Management Reduce 0.63% 39,752 0.03
First Eagle Investment Management Reduce 0.17% 6,073 0.00
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 3.34% 10,756 0.00
Q3  2023
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 651,706 0.84
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Reduce 7.25% 45,500 0.25
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital Add 6.97% 52,430 0.16
Ruane Cunniff - Sequoia Fund Reduce 2.70% 82,886 0.16
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 4.49% 41,500 0.05
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 2.45% 30,500 0.02
Dodge & Cox Add 0.53% 280,500 0.02
Bill Nygren - Oakmark Select Fund Reduce 0.25% 12,000 0.01
Yacktman Asset Management Reduce 0.29% 18,799 0.01
First Eagle Investment Management Reduce 0.97% 35,192 0.01
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 2.34% 7,719 0.00
Q2  2023
Bill Nygren - Oakmark Select Fund Add 83.57% 2,186,060 2.46
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital Reduce 38.42% 469,199 1.40
Ruane Cunniff - Sequoia Fund Add 16.19% 427,160 0.81
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Add 4.52% 27,130 0.14
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 6.82% 79,594 0.05
Yacktman Asset Management Add 1.23% 77,743 0.04
Dodge & Cox Add 0.37% 191,500 0.01
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Sell 100.00% 5,250 0.01
First Eagle Investment Management Reduce 0.73% 26,719 0.00
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 3.15% 10,746 0.00
Q1  2023
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Sell 100.00% 9,498,276 6.81
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Sell 100.00% 300,000 3.43
Bill Nygren - Oakmark Select Fund Buy 2,615,940 3.05
Torray Funds Sell 100.00% 72,221 1.08
Yacktman Asset Management Add 47.03% 2,014,221 1.04
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Add 13.44% 71,088 0.33
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital Reduce 1.73% 21,524 0.07
First Eagle Investment Management Reduce 11.26% 462,265 0.06
Dodge & Cox Add 1.62% 835,400 0.05
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 2.76% 31,372 0.02
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Buy 5,250 0.01
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 2.36% 8,222 0.00
Q4  2022
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Reduce 18.49% 2,154,288 1.54
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Reduce 20.29% 134,682 1.01
Yacktman Asset Management Add 19.69% 704,635 0.58
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 15.31% 167,000 0.32
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Reduce 7.69% 25,000 0.29
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 57.58% 473,724 0.27
Dodge & Cox Reduce 2.95% 1,566,600 0.15
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital Add 1.16% 14,303 0.07
First Eagle Investment Management Add 2.71% 108,375 0.02
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 1.70% 19,000 0.02
Torray Funds Reduce 1.18% 861 0.01
Q3  2022
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 24.25% 349,300 0.60
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Reduce 7.23% 908,475 0.51
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Reduce 6.93% 49,385 0.35
Dodge & Cox Add 3.36% 1,726,503 0.17
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital Add 2.92% 34,808 0.17
Yacktman Asset Management Add 2.63% 91,653 0.07
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 1.18% 13,000 0.01
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 1.67% 13,953 0.01
Torray Funds Reduce 0.22% 160 0.00
First Eagle Investment Management Reduce 0.31% 12,229 0.00
Q2  2022
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Add 40.39% 205,148 1.19
Ruane Cunniff - Sequoia Fund Reduce 6.10% 171,299 0.34
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Add 5.87% 696,008 0.30
Dodge & Cox Add 6.31% 3,055,297 0.23
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital Add 3.54% 40,860 0.17
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 0.73% 8,000 0.01
Yacktman Asset Management Add 0.64% 22,079 0.01
Torray Funds Reduce 0.43% 314 0.00
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 1.15% 9,708 0.00
Q1  2022
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Reduce 43.48% 250,000 2.27

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.