MSC Industrial Direct (MSM)
Sector: | Industrials |
| |
Super Investor Stats: | |
Ownership count: | 1 |
Ownership rank: | 665 |
% of all portfolios: | 0.041% |
| |
History |
Portfolio Manager |
Activity ▼ |
Share change |
% change to portfolio |
Q2  2024 |
≡ |
FPA Queens Road Small Cap Value Fund |
Add 33.58% |
65,000 |
0.82 |
Q4  2023 |
≡ |
FPA Queens Road Small Cap Value Fund |
Add 0.85% |
1,630 |
0.03 |
Q3  2023 |
≡ |
FPA Queens Road Small Cap Value Fund |
Add 25.89% |
39,470 |
0.69 |
Q1  2023 |
≡ |
Yacktman Asset Management |
Add 0.98% |
2,913 |
0.00 |
Q1  2021 |
≡ |
FPA Queens Road Small Cap Value Fund |
Add 148.58% |
91,115 |
1.99 |
≡ |
Yacktman Asset Management |
Add 0.94% |
11,994 |
0.01 |
Q4  2020 |
≡ |
FPA Queens Road Small Cap Value Fund |
Buy |
61,324 |
3.62 |
Q3  2020 |
≡ |
Yacktman Asset Management |
Add 5.66% |
70,188 |
0.07 |
Q1  2020 |
≡ |
Yacktman Asset Management |
Add 730.32% |
1,346,533 |
1.23 |
≡ |
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital |
Add 35.88% |
9,938 |
0.01 |
Q4  2019 |
≡ |
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital |
Add 88.67% |
13,017 |
0.01 |
Q3  2019 |
≡ |
Yacktman Asset Management |
Buy |
185,182 |
0.17 |
≡ |
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital |
Buy |
14,680 |
0.02 |
Q4  2016 |
≡ |
Meridian Contrarian Fund |
Buy |
68,345 |
1.21 |
Q2  2016 |
≡ |
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital |
Buy |
42,170 |
0.04 |
Q4  2015 |
≡ |
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management |
Add 0.27% |
6,170 |
0.01 |
Q3  2015 |
≡ |
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management |
Add 10.00% |
6,000 |
0.06 |
Q2  2015 |
≡ |
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management |
Buy |
60,000 |
0.56 |
Q4  2014 |
≡ |
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management |
Add 144.50% |
1,381,680 |
2.31 |
Q2  2014 |
≡ |
Meridian Contrarian Fund |
Add 37.18% |
33,500 |
0.45 |
≡ |
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management |
Add 0.10% |
1,000 |
0.00 |
Q1  2014 |
≡ |
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management |
Add 84.09% |
441,641 |
0.89 |
≡ |
Meridian Contrarian Fund |
Buy |
90,100 |
1.08 |
Q4  2013 |
≡ |
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management |
Buy |
525,223 |
1.01 |
* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.