Littelfuse Inc. (LFUS)
Sector: | Information Technology |
| |
Super Investor Stats: | |
Ownership count: | 4 |
Ownership rank: | 127 |
% of all portfolios: | 0.068% |
Hold Price * : | $265.25 |
History |
Portfolio Manager |
Activity ▼ |
Share change |
% change to portfolio |
Q2  2024 |
≡ |
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund |
Reduce 13.98% |
11,484 |
0.31 |
Q4  2023 |
≡ |
FPA Queens Road Small Cap Value Fund |
Reduce 2.48% |
240 |
0.01 |
≡ |
Mairs & Power Growth Fund |
Reduce 3.47% |
17,000 |
0.09 |
Q3  2023 |
≡ |
Mairs & Power Growth Fund |
Reduce 2.00% |
10,000 |
0.06 |
Q2  2023 |
≡ |
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund |
Reduce 16.20% |
15,034 |
0.40 |
Q1  2023 |
≡ |
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund |
Reduce 3.73% |
3,593 |
0.09 |
Q4  2022 |
≡ |
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital |
Reduce 0.73% |
513 |
0.01 |
Q4  2021 |
≡ |
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund |
Reduce 5.24% |
3,733 |
0.08 |
Q3  2021 |
≡ |
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital |
Reduce 0.65% |
18 |
0.00 |
≡ |
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital |
Sell 100.00% |
4,277 |
0.01 |
Q4  2020 |
≡ |
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund |
Reduce 29.92% |
30,400 |
0.68 |
≡ |
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital |
Reduce 95.15% |
54,713 |
0.98 |
≡ |
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management |
Sell 100.00% |
17,600 |
0.57 |
Q3  2020 |
≡ |
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital |
Reduce 1.27% |
741 |
0.01 |
≡ |
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management |
Reduce 21.60% |
4,850 |
0.16 |
≡ |
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital |
Sell 100.00% |
2,622 |
0.01 |
Q2  2020 |
≡ |
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital |
Reduce 0.56% |
328 |
0.01 |
≡ |
Polen Capital Management |
Sell 100.00% |
5,963 |
0.00 |
Q1  2020 |
≡ |
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management |
Reduce 6.07% |
1,450 |
0.04 |
≡ |
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund |
Reduce 17.80% |
22,000 |
0.35 |
≡ |
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital |
Reduce 49.67% |
57,800 |
0.99 |
Q4  2019 |
≡ |
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund |
Reduce 3.06% |
3,900 |
0.06 |
≡ |
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management |
Reduce 14.64% |
4,100 |
0.12 |
Q4  2018 |
≡ |
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital |
Reduce 0.80% |
817 |
0.02 |
* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.