CSX Corp. (CSX)

Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:2
Ownership rank:347
% of all portfolios:0.019%
Hold Price * :$34.53
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q2  2024
Kahn Brothers Group Reduce 0.99% 500 0.00
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 7,149 0.01
Q4  2023
Kahn Brothers Group Reduce 0.21% 108 0.00
Viking Global Investors Reduce 70.55% 7,506,915 0.96
Q3  2023
Viking Global Investors Reduce 16.91% 2,166,123 0.27
Q2  2023
Viking Global Investors Reduce 41.94% 9,250,168 1.29
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 18,298 0.01
Q1  2023
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Sell 100.00% 7,574,429 2.02
Q4  2022
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Reduce 53.07% 8,564,109 2.28
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Sell 100.00% 2,750,000 1.33
Q3  2022
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Reduce 27.50% 6,121,569 1.27
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Reduce 44.61% 2,215,000 1.07
Q2  2022
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Reduce 26.55% 8,048,089 1.58
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Reduce 32.78% 2,421,378 1.67
Q1  2022
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Reduce 15.42% 5,525,754 1.09
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 2,426 0.00
Q4  2021
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 96.37% 64,362 0.00
Q4  2020
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 98.59% 60,777 0.00
Q2  2020
Viking Global Investors Sell 100.00% 2,532,546 0.25
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 77,805 0.03
Q1  2020
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Sell 100.00% 36,000 0.00
Q3  2019
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Sell 100.00% 19,906,374 3.76
Q2  2019
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Reduce 45.35% 16,516,566 3.12
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Sell 100.00% 23,996,058 3.50
Q1  2019
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Reduce 17.07% 4,940,367 0.72
Q3  2018
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Reduce 28.51% 11,285,280 1.43
Q2  2018
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Reduce 1.33% 534,216 0.06
Q1  2018
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Sell 100.00% 526,437 0.11
Prem Watsa - Fairfax Financial Holdings Sell 100.00% 45,000 0.06
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Sell 100.00% 4,200 0.00
Q4  2017
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Sell 100.00% 14,697 0.00
Q3  2017
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Sell 100.00% 30,944,604 2.86
Q2  2017
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Reduce 28.26% 12,190,665 1.13
Q1  2017
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 87.37% 101,646 0.00
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Sell 100.00% 420,000 0.12
Q4  2016
Prem Watsa - Fairfax Financial Holdings Sell 100.00% 29,400 0.03
Q1  2016
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 4.70% 5,742 0.00
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Sell 100.00% 907,389 0.81
Q4  2015
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Reduce 33.01% 447,225 0.40
Prem Watsa - Fairfax Financial Holdings Sell 100.00% 22,800 0.02
Q3  2015
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Sell 100.00% 6,264,900 0.30
Q1  2015
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 30.20% 38,862 0.01
Q2  2014
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 14.06% 21,054 0.01
Q4  2013
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 2.24% 3,432 0.00
Q4  2012
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust Sell 100.00% 14,400,000 0.57
Q4  2011
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 14.93% 23,871 0.03
Q1  2007
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Sell 100.00% 9,225,000 1.27

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.