Ferguson Enterprises Inc. (FERG)

Sector:Industrial Goods
Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:5
Ownership rank:94
% of all portfolios:0.171%
Hold Price * :$198.57
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q3  2024
Nelson Peltz - Trian Fund Management Reduce 34.96% 683,053 3.49
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 2.88% 50,239 0.06
Francois Rochon - Giverny Capital Sell 100.00% 29,765 0.24
Viking Global Investors Sell 100.00% 1,673,699 1.25
Q2  2024
Nelson Peltz - Trian Fund Management Reduce 21.65% 539,824 2.55
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Reduce 11.47% 125,000 0.28
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 4.83% 88,693 0.11
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Sell 100.00% 99,207 0.12
Q1  2024
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 51.88% 106,963 0.13
Nelson Peltz - Trian Fund Management Reduce 40.49% 1,696,565 4.62
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 1.99% 37,260 0.05
Chris Hohn - TCI Fund Management Sell 100.00% 436,695 0.23
Q4  2023
Nelson Peltz - Trian Fund Management Reduce 22.62% 1,224,966 3.38
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Reduce 14.51% 185,000 0.54
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 13.30% 31,630 0.03
Chris Hohn - TCI Fund Management Reduce 11.00% 53,974 0.03
Q3  2023
Nelson Peltz - Trian Fund Management Reduce 1.45% 79,482 0.20
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 0.46% 1,106 0.00
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Reduce 0.38% 4,478 0.01
Q2  2023
Nelson Peltz - Trian Fund Management Reduce 6.30% 369,300 1.50
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 0.48% 1,148 0.00
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 179,527 0.62
Q1  2023
Nelson Peltz - Trian Fund Management Reduce 47.73% 5,354,181 19.09
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 37.95% 109,817 0.38
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 0.22% 522 0.00
Q3  2022
Nelson Peltz - Trian Fund Management Reduce 12.54% 1,608,430 4.36
Q1  2022
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 4.05% 4,326 0.00
Q4  2021
Nelson Peltz - Trian Fund Management Reduce 10.50% 1,336,950 3.18
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 2.01% 2,190 0.00
Q3  2021
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 19.74% 26,812 0.02
Nelson Peltz - Trian Fund Management Reduce 2.96% 388,442 0.67
Q2  2021
Christopher Davis - Davis Advisors Reduce 6.35% 9,214 0.01
Nelson Peltz - Trian Fund Management Reduce 0.72% 94,866 0.15

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.