Lennar Corp. (LEN)

Sector:Consumer Discretionary
Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:3
Ownership rank:209
% of all portfolios:0.316%
Hold Price * :$149.87
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q2  2018
Third Avenue Management Reduce 0.32% 8,336 0.02
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Reduce 4.38% 275,000 0.10
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Sell 100.00% 88,452 0.72
Leon Cooperman Buy 625,000 1.14
Q1  2018
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Reduce 0.62% 548 0.00
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 1.68% 23,725 0.06
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Add 18.40% 975,000 0.46
Q4  2017
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 1.24% 17,650 0.05
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Buy 89,000 0.74
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Buy 5,300,000 2.48
Q3  2017
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 7.54% 116,400 0.29
Q2  2017
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 1.88% 29,625 0.07
Q1  2017
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 2.18% 35,075 0.09
Q4  2016
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 0.36% 5,850 0.01
Q3  2016
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 3.83% 64,300 0.16
Q2  2016
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 12.36% 236,675 0.71
Q3  2015
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Sell 100.00% 609,988 0.77
Q1  2015
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Buy 609,988 0.75
Q1  2014
Leon Cooperman Sell 100.00% 425,000 0.24
Q4  2013
Leon Cooperman Reduce 65.56% 809,100 0.46
Q3  2013
Leon Cooperman Buy 1,234,100 0.66
Q4  2011
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Sell 100.00% 57,000 0.05
Q3  2011
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 128.00% 32,000 0.03
Q2  2011
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Buy 25,000 0.02

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.