Coinbase Global Inc. (COIN)

Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:1
Ownership rank:665
% of all portfolios:0.02%
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q3  2024
Samantha McLemore - Patient Capital Management Reduce 1.30% 2,321 0.02
Q2  2024
Samantha McLemore - Patient Capital Management Reduce 17.76% 38,683 0.46
Q1  2024
Samantha McLemore - Patient Capital Management Reduce 6.11% 14,186 0.18
Q4  2023
Samantha McLemore - Patient Capital Management Reduce 47.42% 209,248 1.93
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Sell 100.00% 38,850 0.02
Q3  2023
Samantha McLemore - Patient Capital Management Reduce 24.87% 146,089 0.65
Q2  2023
Samantha McLemore - Patient Capital Management Add 714.64% 515,259 2.05
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Reduce 72.67% 103,298 0.05
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Sell 100.00% 552,926 2.34
Q1  2023
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Reduce 1.24% 1,778 0.00
Samantha McLemore - Patient Capital Management Reduce 9.31% 7,400 0.22
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 22.83% 163,606 0.69
Q4  2022
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Add 173.89% 454,918 1.04
Samantha McLemore - Patient Capital Management Add 14.39% 10,000 0.17
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Reduce 5.02% 7,610 0.00
Q3  2022
Samantha McLemore - Patient Capital Management Add 198.28% 46,200 1.51
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 9.60% 27,790 0.11
Q2  2022
Samantha McLemore - Patient Capital Management Add 80.62% 10,400 0.24
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 9.28% 29,594 0.08
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Reduce 81.89% 685,061 0.27
Q1  2022
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Add 30.34% 74,248 0.54
Samantha McLemore - Patient Capital Management Buy 12,900 0.97
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Reduce 70.84% 2,032,837 1.46
Q4  2021
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Add 7.20% 192,790 0.11
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Buy 244,750 2.18
Q3  2021
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Add 1.96% 51,350 0.02
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Sell 100.00% 121,185 0.80
Q2  2021
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Buy 2,625,294 1.24
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Buy 121,185 0.80

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.