Cardinal Health Inc. (CAH)

Sector:Health Care
Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:2
Ownership rank:347
% of all portfolios:0.025%
Hold Price * :$110.52
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q3  2024
First Eagle Investment Management Add 7.28% 700 0.00
Q2  2024
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 24.82% 133,195 0.44
First Eagle Investment Management Add 19.22% 1,550 0.00
Q3  2023
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 26.11% 158,463 0.53
First Eagle Investment Management Add 4.23% 347 0.00
Q2  2023
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 8,177 0.02
Q1  2023
First Eagle Investment Management Add 1260.59% 7,740 0.00
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 335.01% 785,911 2.23
Q3  2022
First Eagle Investment Management Add 159.40% 424 0.00
Q2  2022
First Eagle Investment Management Add 49.44% 88 0.00
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Buy 487,085 2.63
Q1  2022
First Eagle Investment Management Buy 178 0.00
Q3  2021
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 1621.26% 10,068 0.01
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 37.16% 139,458 0.24
Q2  2021
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 621 0.00
Q1  2021
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Add 22.84% 118,900 0.55
Q4  2020
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Add 30.38% 121,300 0.57
Q3  2020
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 42.09% 11,874 0.01
Q1  2020
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 46,522 0.05
Q3  2019
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 1.53% 9,980 0.02
Q2  2019
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 16.30% 91,434 0.19
Michael Burry - Scion Asset Management Buy 200,000 10.07
Q4  2018
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 24.91% 111,829 0.25
Q3  2018
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 26.31% 93,522 0.21
Q2  2018
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Add 8.74% 47,700 0.15
Q1  2018
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Buy 355,479 0.97
Q4  2017
Seth Klarman - Baupost Group Add 101.58% 2,570,000 1.56
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Add 14.32% 68,400 0.25
Q3  2017
Seth Klarman - Baupost Group Add 24.63% 500,000 0.42
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Add 10.81% 46,600 0.19
Q2  2017
Seth Klarman - Baupost Group Add 97.09% 1,000,000 0.90
Q1  2017
Charles Bobrinskoy - Ariel Focus Fund Add 118.45% 12,200 1.78
John Rogers - Ariel Appreciation Fund Buy 431,000 2.06
Q4  2016
Charles Bobrinskoy - Ariel Focus Fund Buy 10,300 1.48
Seth Klarman - Baupost Group Buy 1,030,000 0.98
Q3  2013
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 2.63% 23,500 0.06
Q2  2013
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 2.64% 23,000 0.06
Q1  2013
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Buy 460,865 1.76
Q3  2012
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Buy 956,100 2.52
Q4  2010
David Einhorn - Greenlight Capital Add 0.92% 60,000 0.05
Q3  2009
David Einhorn - Greenlight Capital Add 67.52% 2,681,327 2.93
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 17.80% 358,750 0.39
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 4.87% 60,600 0.08
Q2  2009
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 88.36% 945,650 1.45
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 46.35% 394,100 0.72
David Einhorn - Greenlight Capital Buy 3,971,173 6.37
Q1  2009
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Buy 1,070,225 1.93
Q4  2008
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 8.50% 115,000 0.26
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Buy 150,000 0.64
Q3  2008
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 27.25% 289,800 0.67
Q2  2008
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 8.03% 79,100 0.18
Q1  2008
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Buy 984,500 2.22
Q4  2007
Dodge & Cox Add 0.33% 77,200 0.01
Q1  2007
Dodge & Cox Add 0.01% 3,100 0.00

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.