Ashland Global Holdings Inc. (ASH)

Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:2
Ownership rank:347
% of all portfolios:0.051%
Hold Price * :$86.97
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q3  2024
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Sell 100.00% 60,000 2.55
Leon Cooperman Add 10.99% 107,953 0.40
First Eagle Investment Management Add 11.32% 12,700 0.00
Q2  2024
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Reduce 33.34% 30,012 1.28
First Eagle Investment Management Add 25.17% 22,550 0.00
Q1  2024
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Reduce 48.06% 83,300 3.56
Leon Cooperman Add 2.29% 21,982 0.09
First Eagle Investment Management Add 40.00% 25,600 0.01
Q4  2023
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Reduce 38.13% 106,800 4.11
First Eagle Investment Management Buy 64,000 0.01
Q3  2023
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Buy 280,112 11.40
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 13,770 0.03
Q2  2023
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 13.96% 2,234 0.00
Q1  2023
Leon Cooperman Add 10.10% 88,100 0.55
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 16,004 0.04
Q4  2021
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 44,135 0.04
Q3  2021
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 37.85% 26,884 0.02
Q2  2021
Leon Cooperman Add 8.73% 70,000 0.34
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 34.50% 18,215 0.02
Q1  2021
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 7.72% 4,417 0.00
Q4  2020
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 4444.96% 55,962 0.07
Q3  2020
Leon Cooperman Add 3.89% 30,000 0.21
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 1,259 0.00
Q1  2020
Leon Cooperman Reduce 0.27% 2,098 0.01
Q3  2019
Leon Cooperman Add 0.98% 7,500 0.03
Q4  2018
Leon Cooperman Reduce 29.97% 327,993 2.28
Q3  2018
Leon Cooperman Reduce 9.58% 115,902 0.42
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 47,220 0.04
Q2  2018
Leon Cooperman Add 19.89% 200,858 0.55
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 25.72% 9,660 0.01
Q1  2018
Leon Cooperman Add 43.41% 305,600 0.80
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 37,560 0.03
Q4  2017
Leon Cooperman Add 30.01% 162,491 0.44
Q4  2016
Leon Cooperman Reduce 19.30% 129,478 0.62
Q3  2016
Leon Cooperman Reduce 18.62% 153,487 0.55
Q2  2016
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Sell 100.00% 104,757 1.26
Leon Cooperman Reduce 31.16% 373,147 1.21
Q1  2016
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Buy 104,757 1.26
Leon Cooperman Reduce 21.38% 325,700 0.96
Q4  2015
Leon Cooperman Reduce 5.51% 88,866 0.20
Q3  2015
Leon Cooperman Add 48.62% 527,400 1.07
Q2  2015
Leon Cooperman Add 32.45% 265,800 0.52
Q1  2015
Leon Cooperman Reduce 6.00% 52,300 0.11
Q4  2014
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 1,099,643 1.73
Leon Cooperman Add 141.97% 511,200 1.02
Q3  2014
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Sell 100.00% 1,000,000 1.35
Leon Cooperman Buy 360,087 0.55
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 12.13% 151,766 0.24
Q2  2014
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 43.60% 967,367 1.65
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Add 33.33% 250,000 0.34
Q1  2014
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Sell 100.00% 762,401 5.76
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Buy 750,000 1.17
Q4  2013
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Reduce 51.01% 793,692 6.00
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Sell 100.00% 169,665 0.32
Q3  2013
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Reduce 2.74% 43,907 0.35
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Reduce 2.02% 3,500 0.01
Q2  2013
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Reduce 35.93% 897,166 6.98
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Reduce 10.40% 20,100 0.03
Q1  2013
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Add 4.05% 97,166 0.66
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Buy 193,265 0.32
Q4  2012
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Add 17.01% 348,964 2.30
Q3  2012
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Reduce 16.41% 402,758 2.32
Q2  2012
Alex Roepers - Atlantic Investment Management Reduce 3.77% 96,206 0.57

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.