Vale SA (VALE)

Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:1
Ownership rank:665
% of all portfolios:0.023%
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q3  2024
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Reduce 35.68% 4,549,737 1.00
Q2  2024
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 10.73% 1,236,334 0.26
Q1  2024
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 22.52% 2,116,982 0.45
Q4  2023
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 8.11% 705,520 0.21
Q3  2023
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Sell 100.00% 115,001 1.04
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 11.71% 911,385 0.22
Q2  2023
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 70.51% 275,000 2.49
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Reduce 7.05% 589,885 0.12
Q1  2023
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 21.05% 104,000 0.10
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 4.03% 324,168 0.07
Q4  2022
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Reduce 7.94% 693,720 0.16
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 11.71% 65,499 0.07
Q3  2022
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 12.90% 998,653 0.18
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 3.62% 21,000 0.02
Q2  2022
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Reduce 0.68% 53,080 0.01
Q1  2022
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 19.93% 144,500 0.11
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 1.68% 128,804 0.03
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 10,073 0.00
Q4  2021
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 28.17% 1,685,252 0.34
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Add 16.00% 100,000 0.05
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 56.63% 3,642 0.00
Q3  2021
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Add 28.87% 140,000 0.07
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Reduce 4.21% 262,786 0.06
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 6,431 0.00
Q2  2021
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Buy 6,245,576 2.27
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Buy 485,000 0.29
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 55,249 0.01
Q1  2021
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Sell 100.00% 6,756,996 2.42
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 55,249 0.01
Q4  2020
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 55.21% 2,403,524 0.86
Q3  2020
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Buy 4,353,472 1.25
Q2  2019
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 445,880 0.08
Q1  2019
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Sell 100.00% 3,016,925 1.25
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 8.40% 34,550 0.01
Q4  2018
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Reduce 8.65% 285,756 0.12
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 411,330 0.08
Q3  2018
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 33.07% 820,722 0.34
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 525,060 0.08
Q2  2018
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Reduce 27.70% 950,721 0.31
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 6.54% 36,740 0.01
Q1  2018
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Reduce 63.53% 5,978,716 2.09
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 30.62% 131,690 0.02
Q4  2017
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 4.13% 373,403 0.12
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 66.07% 171,110 0.03
Q3  2017
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 575.99% 7,700,993 2.10
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 6.44% 17,820 0.00
Q2  2017
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 112.01% 146,250 0.02
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 7.22% 90,000 0.02
Q1  2017
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 130,570 0.02
Q3  2016
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 127.97% 700,000 0.11
Q2  2016
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 70.78% 226,700 0.05
Q4  2015
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Buy 320,300 0.03
Q2  2013
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Sell 100.00% 460,356 0.58
Q4  2011
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Sell 100.00% 500 0.00
Q3  2011
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Buy 500 0.00

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.