Banco Bradesco (BBD)

Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:1
Ownership rank:660
% of all portfolios:0.019%
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q1  2024
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 2.09% 717,580 0.04
Q4  2023
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 8.15% 2,588,418 0.17
Q3  2023
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 3.01% 926,807 0.05
Q2  2023
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 44.71% 9,521,068 0.52
Q1  2023
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 57.99% 7,816,110 0.28
Q4  2022
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 15.82% 1,840,652 0.07
Q2  2022
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 33.18% 2,983,900 0.14
Q1  2022
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 1.36% 120,712 0.01
Q3  2021
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 19.13% 3,264,276 0.22
Q2  2021
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Buy 17,064,064 1.40
Q4  2020
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 94.24% 6,919,187 0.78
Q2  2020
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 21.22% 1,301,303 0.13
Q1  2020
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Add 6.36% 366,646 0.05
Q4  2019
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Buy 5,767,107 1.29
Q3  2018
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Buy 3,936,583 0.78
Q1  2015
Howard Marks - Oaktree Capital Management Buy 255,360 0.04
Q3  2013
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Buy 4,985,763 1.89
Q1  2013
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 10.01% 455,004 0.25
Q2  2012
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 0.17% 7,800 0.01
Q1  2012
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 4.05% 182,640 0.16
Q4  2011
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 6.77% 286,000 0.25
Q2  2011
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 9.85% 888,800 1.15
Q1  2011
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 20.03% 1,505,200 2.06
Q4  2010
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 15.19% 991,100 1.47
Q3  2010
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 22.23% 1,186,769 1.77
Q2  2010
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 60.54% 2,013,100 3.22
Q1  2010
William Von Mueffling - Cantillon Capital Management Add 141.97% 1,950,934 3.76

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.