Carvana Co. (CVNA)

Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:3
Ownership rank:206
% of all portfolios:1.292%
Hold Price * :$174.11
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q2  2024
Viking Global Investors Buy 553,621 0.27
Q1  2024
Robert Vinall - RV Capital GmbH Add 18.47% 132,119 3.10
Q4  2023
Robert Vinall - RV Capital GmbH Add 12.46% 79,277 1.21
Q3  2022
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 1.49% 100,000 0.37
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 5.68% 39,517 0.02
Robert Vinall - RV Capital GmbH Add 37.21% 192,500 1.87
Q2  2022
Robert Vinall - RV Capital GmbH Add 4.53% 22,400 0.23
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 9.97% 63,121 0.04
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 61.61% 2,564,900 8.78
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust Buy 520,000 0.07
Q1  2022
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Add 17.46% 1,268,272 0.57
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 25.60% 848,600 6.78
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 34.41% 162,079 0.35
Bryan Lawrence - Oakcliff Capital Add 97.89% 89,500 5.54
Robert Vinall - RV Capital GmbH Add 272.03% 361,900 13.37
Q4  2021
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 0.28% 9,275 0.11
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Add 18.13% 1,114,928 0.56
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 51.82% 160,767 0.45
Robert Vinall - RV Capital GmbH Buy 133,035 7.98
Q2  2021
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Add 5.69% 342,200 0.19
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 61177.80% 311,395 0.89
Q1  2021
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 3.12% 100,000 1.34
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 509 0.00
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Buy 400,000 0.71
Q4  2020
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Buy 2,448,265 2.13
Q3  2020
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 6.90% 232,690 3.60
Q2  2020
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 3,488 0.01
Q1  2020
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Add 22.39% 1,100,000 0.36
Bryan Lawrence - Oakcliff Capital Add 29.79% 70,222 2.71
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 37.82% 1,049,366 12.71
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Add 408.54% 4,097,265 1.37
Robert Vinall - RV Capital GmbH Buy 94,642 3.70
Q4  2019
Dennis Hong - ShawSpring Partners Add 5.91% 35,780 1.32
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 6.53% 170,087 2.57
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Buy 1,002,910 0.49
Q3  2019
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 2.74% 69,500 1.01
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Add 73.55% 2,082,138 0.73
Viking Global Investors Buy 120,287 0.04
Q2  2019
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 0.40% 10,000 0.16
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Add 38.09% 780,769 0.26
Q1  2019
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 16.49% 357,565 6.20
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Buy 4,000 0.01
Chase Coleman - Tiger Global Management Buy 2,050,000 0.66
Q4  2018
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 5.43% 111,607 1.38
Q2  2018
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Add 2.39% 48,091 0.75
Q1  2018
Clifford Sosin - CAS Investment Partners Buy 2,008,068 20.10
Q2  2017
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Buy 30,000 0.03

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.