Apple Inc. (AAPL)

Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:18
Ownership rank:8
% of all portfolios:1.013%
Hold Price * :$211.28
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q1  2012
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Add 0.91% 52,248 0.09
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Add 243.90% 280,000 0.62
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Add 276.68% 14,088,200 12.11
Q4  2011
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Buy 280 0.00
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Add 4.42% 2,550,800 0.28
David Einhorn - Greenlight Capital Add 11.42% 4,200,000 1.26
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Add 377.06% 4,024,468 9.87
Q3  2011
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Add 4.16% 2,300,592 0.26
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Buy 114,800 0.29
David Einhorn - Greenlight Capital Add 21.92% 6,613,600 2.15
Q2  2011
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Add 27.13% 11,816,000 1.10
David Einhorn - Greenlight Capital Add 28.66% 6,720,000 1.81
Q1  2011
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Add 12.00% 84,000 0.17
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Buy 5,600,000 1.76
Q3  2010
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Add 20.26% 12,768,140 1.21
David Einhorn - Greenlight Capital Add 168.00% 14,700,000 3.84
Hillman Value Fund Buy 72,800 5.13
Q2  2010
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Buy 784,000 1.33
David Einhorn - Greenlight Capital Buy 8,750,000 2.47
Q3  2009
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Buy 86,556,904 7.41
Q1  2008
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Add 24.09% 576,800 0.27
Q1  2007
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Add 11.64% 1,352,400 0.28

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.