Och Ziff Capital Mgmt Grp LLC (OZM)
Sector: | Financials |
Super Investor Stats: | |
Ownership count: | 0 |
Ownership rank: | -- |
% of all portfolios: | 0% |
History | Portfolio Manager | Activity | Share change | % change to portfolio ▲ | |
Q3  2019 | |||||
≡ | Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners | Sell 100.00% | 119,500 | 0.11 | |
≡ | David Abrams - Abrams Capital Management | Sell 100.00% | 2,223,860 | 1.39 | |
Q2  2019 | |||||
≡ | Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners | Buy | 119,500 | 0.11 | |
Q1  2019 | |||||
≡ | David Abrams - Abrams Capital Management | Add 0.00% | 1 | 0.00 | |
Q4  2018 | |||||
≡ | Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners | Sell 100.00% | 35,000 | 0.02 | |
Q3  2018 | |||||
≡ | Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners | Add 16.67% | 5,000 | 0.00 | |
Q2  2018 | |||||
≡ | Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners | Buy | 30,000 | 0.02 | |
Q1  2017 | |||||
≡ | David Abrams - Abrams Capital Management | Add 17.35% | 328,860 | 0.29 | |
Q4  2016 | |||||
≡ | David Abrams - Abrams Capital Management | Add 11.20% | 190,934 | 0.23 | |
Q3  2016 | |||||
≡ | Seth Klarman - Baupost Group | Sell 100.00% | 337,390 | 0.17 | |
≡ | David Abrams - Abrams Capital Management | Add 10.77% | 165,638 | 0.36 | |
Q2  2016 | |||||
≡ | Seth Klarman - Baupost Group | Buy | 337,389 | 0.17 | |
≡ | David Abrams - Abrams Capital Management | Buy | 1,538,426 | 3.05 |
* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.